It actually seems to work well, and may be good enough on low-end systems to use it and disable other forms of antialiasing. It is recommended to be enabled, or else it can cause really white snow.īFull Screen toggles the ability of the game to be rendered fullscreen.īFXAAEnabled toggles an almost zero-cost method of antialiasing using the FXAA technique. It is recommended to be disabled.īEnableProjecteUVDiffuseNormals toggles the use of projected UV diffuse normals on textures. 1.33 fProjectedUVNormalDetailTilingScaleīBorderless toggles the ability of the game window to be borderless if run in windowed mode.īDrawLandShadows toggles the ability of land objects such as rocks and mountains to cast shadows.īEnableImprovedSnow toggles the new snow shader effect added in the Special Edition.